What Are The Benefits?
We are providing our app users with more flexibility by giving them the option to choose their own test time schedule (3 times/day) within the Sutro app. As a Premium Service feature, this will allow Sutro customers to sync their system with their own unique schedule.
Why Did We Make This Update?
Previously, all app users had the same reading times of 8am, 4pm, and midnight PST. We had an overwhelming amount of users who requested to be able to change these times to coincide with their pump times or their work schedules or to push a reading on demand.
How Do I Access This New Feature?
Step 1:
Open the Sutro App and Navigate to:
Menu → Settings → Timing
Step 2:
This will default to the “Today Only” page.
If a reading has been taken, it will be grayed out and unable to change.
If you want to push an on-demand reading, just change the upcoming time to the nearest hour. For example, if it’s 3:30 pm, you can change it to 4:00 pm to take a reading.
Step 3:
If you want to change your test times permanently, update the drop-down to “Recurring schedule”.
You can update all reading times, choose when you would like the alkalinity reading to be taken, or reset it to Sutro default.
Things to Note:
User Selectable Times is only available to Premium App Users. If you would like to upgrade from Basic to Premium, follow these instructions:
Login to your Sutro App
Click the Menu and then "MY.MYSUTRO"
Once you're logged in, click the "My Membership" tab
Select "What's The Difference"
Select "Change My Plan" to Premium
You will still need to have 3 readings per day (no more or less) and they must be taken at least 4 hours apart. Readings can only be taken on the hour (9 am, 10 am, etc) and not in any minute increments (9:30 am, 10:15 am, etc)
All times will default to 8 am, 4 pm, and midnight PST on default. If your account is on premium and then downgraded to basic, your default times will change to 8 am, 4 pm, and midnight PST.
Daylight savings time is not taken into account
Please note, alkalinity can still only be taken once per day