Having problems setting up your Hub? You're in the right place.
We'll help you set up your Hub.
Here's what we'll go through:
- Plug in Hub within eyesight of pool
- Charge your battery
- Look for the white blinking light
- Confirm that your phone's WiFi is on
- Connect to the Sutro network
- Connect to WiFi
Before we begin:
- Confirm you have the latest version of the Sutro app installed on your phone
- Review each component of your Sutro here
- Have your home WiFi network name and password handy (better if it's written down)
Plug in hub within eyesight of pool
The Sutro system uses a proprietary communications algorithm to connect the hub and monitor. Confirm that the hub is within 50 ft line of sight from your pool (or spa).
Some notes:
- The Hub should be in your house (not outside)
- It should be placed where you'll leave it (for a while)
- Please do not disconnect the hub during set up, and for at least two hours after. The Hub must remain plugged in for the Sutro to take readings. This is only used if you need to move the Hub to a new position.
Charge your battery
You should have charged your battery for at least 24 hours before installing the Sutro device. If it is not charged, this will prematurely spend your Sutro cartridge. If you need help on how to charge your battery, this will help guide you through this.
Look for the white blinking light
Once your battery is fully charged, remove it from the hub. You should now see the LED on the hub blinking white.
- The LED is not white: If the hub LED is red or green take out the battery that's currently charging in the hub.
- The LED is not blinking: If the hub is solid and not blinking, you may need to reset your hub. Click here and we'll guide you through that.
Confirm that your phone's WiFi is on.
The Sutro Hub will connect to your WiFi to transmit data from the device to the cloud. Check the settings on your phone to make sure that your WiFi is turned on.
Connect to Sutro network
In the Sutro app, click Open Settings, this will open your phone's WiFi settings. Click on the Sutro network to connect to the hub. It will be broadcasted as "Sutro_XXXXX" (with the x's replaced by a combination of numbers and letters). Once it's connected, go back to the Sutro app. The Sutro app should now display a screen to select your WiFi network.
- I don't see the Sutro network in my phone's WiFi settings: If you don't see the broadcasted Sutro network, you may need to reset your hub. Click on the link below for help with this issue.
- My phone fails to connect to the Sutro network: If your phone does not connect to the Sutro network, in your phone settings, click on the Sutro network details. Then click "Forget Network" and click on "Renew Lease". Then reset the hub and try again.
- The Sutro app does not proceed to the screen to select my WiFi network: Sometimes your phone will stop connecting to the Sutro network because there is no connectivity, and it will auto-switch to your home WiFi or cell data. Check the following settings:
- Additional tips:
- Android Users: When connecting to the Sutro network, you may see a notification that says to tap for options. Android will inform you that the Sutro network has limited or no connectivity. Click "Stay Connected."
- If your home network has a firewall setup, make sure it allows the Sutro device to communicate outside the network.
- Allow OpenDNS access. If your home network has a default DNS setup, and blocks access to all the other DNS servers, then you might run into issues. Check the router guide on allowing access to other DNS servers and add the following IPs and to the list of DNS servers.
Connect to WiFi
You're on the last step to set up your hub! Select your network from the drop-down menu and enter your password. Make sure to click on the eyeball next to your password to verify that it's typed in correctly.
My WiFi failed to connect:
- The Sutro hub cannot connect to 5 GHz. Make sure that the WiFi that you're trying to connect to is 2.4 GHz.
- Mesh router - Our hub is able to connect to most mesh routers. However, if your router seems to have issues with Sutro, please reach out so we can investigate the issue.
- The network name and password are wrong
- Please make sure you're using the correct name and password when trying to connect on Step 3!
- Error Modal: This network does not look like a Sutro hub - Follow the steps outlined in this article.
If you're still having issues connecting, you can contact support.